Home Research Publications


Cen Chen

Education and work

  • B.S. in Chemistry, Sichuan Normal University, China (2011)
  • M.S. in Organic Chemistry, Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemitry, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), China (2015)
  • Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, Georgia State University, Georgia (2020)
  • Instructor, Georgia State University, Georgia (2018-2019)
  • Chemist, Affinity Research Chemicals, Delaware (2020)
  • Scientist, Firebird Biomolecular Sciences, LLC, Florida (2020-present)

Research summary

My research focuses on the novel modified oligonucleotides synthesis, new purification method development, Gene synthesis as well as molecular diagnostics based Self-avoiding Molecular Recognition Systems (SAMRS) and Artificially Expanded Genetic Information Systems (AEGIS).

Current projects include:

  • Novel modified oligonucleotides synthesis. This including Self-avoiding Molecular Recognition Systems (SAMRS) and Artificially Expanded Genetic Information Systems (AEGIS), such as A*, T*, dP, dZ as well as other artificial nucleobases. These modification were applied in molecular diagnostics, sequencing, gene synthesis, as well as AEGISZymes and AEGISBody development.
  • Molecular diagnostics with SAMRS. Nucleic acid amplification reactions suffer from the formation of off-target amplification products. SAMRS were approved to minimize the primer dimer formation, improved the sensitivity and specificity and achieved highly multiplex PCR. We are developing alternative chemistry combined with SAMRS to improve their performance.

Recent Publications


Enzyme-assisted high throughput sequencing of an expanded genetic alphabet at single base resolution
Bang Wang, Kevin M. Bradley, Myong-Jung Kim, Roberto Laos, Cen Chen, Dietlind L. Gerloff, Luran Manfio, Zunyi Yang & Steven A. Benner
Nat. Commun.15(4057), Nature (2024) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48408-9


A folding motif formed with an expanded genetic alphabet
Bang Wang, James R. Rocca, Shuichi Hoshika, Cen Chen, Zunyi Yang, Reza Esmaeeli, Jianguo Wang, Xiaoshu Pan, Jianrong Lu, Kevin K. Wang, Y. Charles Cao, Weihong Tan & Steven A. Benner
Nat. Chem., Nature (2024) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41557-024-01552-7


2'-β-Selenium Atom on Thymidine to Control β-Form DNA Conformation and Large Crystal Formation
Cen Chen, Ziyuan Fang, and Zhen Huang
Cryst. Growth Des, ACS (2022) 22, 6, 3601-3604, DOI:10.1021/acs.cgd.2c00474


Molecular Dynamics and Machine Learning in Catalysts
Wenxiang Liu, Yang Zhu, Yongqiang Wu, Cen Chen, Yang Hong, Yanan Yue, Jingchao Zhang, Bo Hou
Catalysts, MDPI (2021) 11:1129, DOI:10.3390/catal11091129


Nucleic Acid Crystallization and Phase Determination Facilitated by Selenium Functionalization
X. Chen, C. Chen, J. Gan, W. Zhang, O. O. Gerlits, J. Salon, J. Caton-Williams, S. Jiang, H. Liu and Z. Huang
Acta Crystallogr., Wiley (2017) A73, a186


Asymmetric alkyne addition to aldehydes catalyzed by Schiff bases made from 1,1'-bi-2-naphthol and chiral benzylic amines
Cen Chen, Qingfei Huang, Sheng Zou, Lei Wang, Bao Luan, Jin Zhu, Qiwei Wang, Lin Pu
Tetrahedron Asymmetry, Elsevier (2014) 25:199-201, DOI:10.1016/j.tetasy.2013.12.013

(View publication page for Cen Chen)

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