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Steven Benner's Publications


Functional Selection of Tau Oligomerization-Inhibiting Aptamers
Bang Wang, Xiaoshu Pan, I-Ting Teng, Xiaowei Li, Firas Kobeissy, Zo-Yu Wu, Jiepei Zhu, Guangzheng Cai, He Yan, Xin Yan, Mingwei Liang, Fahong Yu, Zunyi Yang, Elisa Biondi, William Haskins, Y. Charles Cao, Steven A. Benner, Weihong Tan, Kevin Wang
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2024) e202402007, https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202402007


Enzyme-assisted high throughput sequencing of an expanded genetic alphabet at single base resolution
Bang Wang, Kevin M. Bradley, Myong-Jung Kim, Roberto Laos, Cen Chen, Dietlind L. Gerloff, Luran Manfio, Zunyi Yang & Steven A. Benner
Nat. Commun.15(4057), Nature (2024) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48408-9


A folding motif formed with an expanded genetic alphabet
Bang Wang, James R. Rocca, Shuichi Hoshika, Cen Chen, Zunyi Yang, Reza Esmaeeli, Jianguo Wang, Xiaoshu Pan, Jianrong Lu, Kevin K. Wang, Y. Charles Cao, Weihong Tan & Steven A. Benner
Nat. Chem., Nature (2024) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41557-024-01552-7


Fluorinated oil-surfactant mixtures with the density of water: Artificial cells for synthetic biology
Roberto Laos, Steven Benner
PLOS One17(1), Public Library of Science (2022) https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0252361


Catalytic Synthesis of Polyribonucleic Acid on Prebiotic Rock Glasses
Craig A. Jerome, Hyo-Joong Kim, Stephen J. Mojzsis, Steven A. Benner, and Elisa Biondi
Astrobiology (2022) http://doi.org/10.1089/ast.2022.0027


Agnostic Life Finder (ALF) for Large-Scale Screening of Martian Life During In Situ Refueling
Spacek, J. & Benner, S.A.
Astrobiology (2022) 22, 8, DOI:10.1089/ast.2021.0070


In vitro evolution of ribonucleases from expanded genetic alphabets
Jerome, C.A; Hoshika, S.; Bradley, K.M.; Benner, S.A.; Biondi, E.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2022) 119(44). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2208261119


Thermodynamic Parameters and Design Considerations for Expanded Alphabet PZ and GZ Base Pairs in DNA
Kahn, J. D., Miffin, T., Sharp, K. K., Wang, X., Hoshika, S., Sun, H., Benner, S. A., Mathews, D. H.
Biophys. J., AP Cell Press (2021) 120(3):220a, DOI:10.1016/j.bpj.2020.11.1475


The role of thrifty genes in the origin of alcoholism: A narrative review and hypothesis
Carn, D., Lanaspa, M. A., Benner, S. A., Andrews, P., Dudley, R., Tolan, D. R., Johnson, R. J.
Alcohol.: Clin. Exp. Res., Wiley-Blackwell (2021) 10.1111/acer.14655


Ultra-rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 in public workspace environments
Yaren, O., McCarter, J., Phadke, N., Bradley, K. M., Overton, B., Yang, Z., Ranade, S., Patil, K., Bangale, R., Benner, S. A.
PLOS One, Public Library of Science (2021) 10.1371/journal.pone.0240524, DOI:10.1101/2020.09.29.20204131


Abiotic Synthesis of Nucleoside 5'-Triphosphates with Nickel Borate and Cyclic Trimetaphosphate (CTMP)
Kim, H.J.., Benner, S.A.
Astrobiology (2021) 21(3), DOI:10.1089/ast.2020.2264


The Limits to Organic Life in the Solar System: From Cold Titan to Hot Venus
Benner, S. A., & Spacek, J.
LPI Contributions, LPI (2021) 2629, 4003.


Building better polymerases: Engineering the replication of expanded genetic alphabets
Ouaray, Z., Benner, S. A., Georgiadis, M. M., Richards, N. G. J.
J. Biol. Chem., ASBMB (2020) 11 December: 295(50):17046-17059, DOI:10.1074/jbc.REV120.013745


Tautomeric equilibria of nucleobases in the hachimoji expanded genetic alphabet
Eberlein, L., Beierlein, F.R., van Eikema Hommes, N.J.R., Radadiya, A., Heil, J., Benner, S.A., Clark, T., Kast, S.M., and Richards, N.G.J.
J. Chem. Theory Comput., ACS (2020) 14 Apr: 16(4):2766-2777, DOI:10.1021/acs.jctc.9b01079


When Did Life Likely Emerge on Earth in an RNA-First Process?
S. A. Benner, E. A. Bell, E. Biondi, R. Brasser, T. Carell, H.-J. Kim, S. J. Mojzsis, A. Omran, M. A. Pasek, D. Trail
ChemSystemsChem2, Chemistry Europe (2020) e1900035


An Aptamer-Nanotrain Assembled from Six-Letter DNA Delivers Doxorubicin Selectively to Liver Cancer Cells.
Zhang, L., Wang, S., Yang, Z., Hoshika, S., Xie, S., Li, J., Chen, X., Wan, S., Li, L., Benner, S.A., Tan, W.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2020) 59(2): 663-668, DOI:10.1002/anie.201909691


Confluence of Theory and Experiment Reveal the Catalytic Mechanism of the Varkud Satellite Ribozyme
Ganguly, A., Weissman, B.P., Giese, T.J., Li, N.-S. , Hoshika, S., Rao, S., Benner, S.A., Piccirilli, J.A., York, D.M.
Nat. Chem., Nature (2020) 12:193-201, DOI:10.1038/s41557-019-0391-x


Ligand Guided Selection (LIGS) with Artificially Expanded Genetic Information Systems against TCR-CD3ε
Zumrut, H., Yang, Z., Williams, N., Arizala, J., Batool, S., Benner, S.A., Mallikaratchy, P.
Biochemistry, ACS (2020) 59(4):552-562, DOI:10.1021/acs.biochem.9b00919


Science Addressing Questions Not Easily Addressed by "the" Scientific Method. The Origins of Life
Benner, S.A.
PAS Acta, The Pontifical Academy of Sciences (2020) 25:123-161


Eliminating Primer Dimers and Improving SNP detection using Self-Avoiding Molecular Recognition Systems (SAMRS)
Yang, Z., Le, J.T., Hutter, D., Bradley, K.M., Overton, B.R., McLendon, C., Benner, S.A.
Biol. Methods Protoc., Oxford Academics (2020) 5(1):bpaa004, DOI:10.1093/biomethods/bpaa004


Chemical guidance in the search for past and extant life on Mars. Decadal Survey in Planetary Sciences and Astrobiology
Benner, S. A., Biondi, E., Kim, H.-J., Spacek, J.
Bulletin of the AAS, AAS (2020) 53(4), DOI:10.3847/25c2cfeb.266df7e7


Electrochemical Reduction and Oxidation of Eight Unnatural 2'-Deoxynucleosides at a Pyrolytic Graphite Electrode
Spacek, J., Karalkar, N., Fojta, M., Wang, J., Benner, S. A
Electrochimica acta, International Society of Electrochemistry (2020) 362:137210, DOI:10.1016/j.electacta.2020.137210


Hachimoji DNA and RNA: A genetic system with eight building blocks
Hoshika H, Leal N, Kim MJ, Kim MS, Karalkar NB, Kim HJ, Bates AM, Watkins Jr. NE, SantaLucia HA, Meyer AJ, DasGupta S, Piccirilli JA, Ellington AD, SantaLucia Jr. J, Georgiadis MM, Benner SA
Science (2019) 22 Feb 2019: Vol. 363, Issue 6429, pp. 884-887. DOI: 10.1126/science.aat0971


The surprising pairing of 2-aminoimidazo[1,2-a]- [1,3,5]triazin-4-one, a component of an expanded DNA alphabet
Roberto Laos, Christos Lampropoulos, and Steven A. Benner
Structural Chemistry, Acta Crystallographica (2019) C75, 22-28, https://doi.org/10.1107/S2053229618016923


Prebiotic Chemistry that Could Not Not Have Happened
Benner S.A., Kim H.-J., and Biondi E.
Life9(4), MDPI 84 (2019) https://doi.org/10.3390/life9040084


Hydroxymethanesulfonate from volcanic sulfur dioxide. A mineral reservoir for formaldehyde in prebiotic chemistry.
Kawai, J., McLendon, D.C., Kim, H.-J., Benner, S.A.
Astrobiology (2019) 19(4):506-516, DOI:10.1089/ast.2017.1800


Multiplexed kit based on Luminex technology and achievements in synthetic biology discriminates Zika, chikungunya, and and four serotypes of dengue viruses in mosquitoes.
Glushakova, L.G.. Alto, B.W., Kim, M.-S., Hutter, D., Bradley, A., Bradley, K.M., Burkett-Cadena, N.D., Benner, S.A.
BMC Infect. Dis., BioMed Central Ltd. (2019) 19:418, DOI:10.1186/s12879-019-3998-z


Affinity maturation of a portable Fab-RNA module for chaperone-assisted RNA crystallography
Deepak Koirala, Sandip A. Shelke, Marcel Dupont, Stormy Ruiz, Saurja DasGupta, Lucas J. Bailey, Steven A. Benner and Joseph A. Piccirilli
Nucl. Acids Res. 1-12 (2018) doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx1292


A Direct Prebiotic Synthesis of Nicotinamide Nucleotide
Hyo-Joong Kim, Steven A. Benner
Chemistry, Wiley-VCH (2018) Jan 12;24(3):581-584. doi: 10.1002/chem.201705394


Artificially Expanded Genetic Information Systems for New Aptamer Technologies
Elisa Biondi and Steven A. Benner
Biomedicines, MDPI (2018) 6, 53; doi:10.3390/biomedicines6020053


Mineral-Organic Interactions in Prebiotic Synthesis. The Discontinuous Synthesis Model for the Formation of RNA in Naturally Complex Geological Environments.
Steven A. Benner, Hyo-Joong Kim, and Elisa Biondi
Nucl. Acids & Mol. Bio.35, Springer 31-83 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93584-3_3


"Skinny" and "Fat" DNA: Two New Double Helices
Hoshika S, Singh I, Switzer C, Molt RW Jr, Leal NA, Kim MJ, Kim MS, Kim HJ, Georgiadis MM, Benner SA
J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2018) Sep 19;140(37):11655-11660. doi: 10.1021/jacs.8b05042. Epub 2018 Sep 10


Snapshots of an evolved DNA polymerase pre- and post-incorporation of an unnatural nucleotide
Isha Singh, Roberto Laos, Shuichi Hoshika, Steven A. Benner, and Millie M. Georgiadis
Nucl. Acids Res.46(15) 7977-7988 (2018) doi: 10.1093/nar/gky552


Multiplexed isothermal amplification based diagnostic platform to detect Zika, chikungunya, and dengue-1.
Yaren, O., Alto, B. W., Bradley, K. M., Moussatche, P., Benner, S. A.
J. Vis. Exp., JoVE (2018) 133: e57051, DOI:10.3791/57051


Molybdenum(VI)-catalyzed rearrangement of prebiotic carbohydrates in formamide, a candidate prebiotic solvent.
Ziegler, E.W., Kim, H.-J., Benner, S.A.
Astrobiology (2018) 18(9): 1159-70, DOI:10.1089/ast.2017.1742


Nucleoside analogs to manage sequence divergence in nucleic acid amplification and SNP detection.
Yang, Z., Kim, H.-J., Le, J., McLendon, C., Bradley, K.M., Kim, M.-S., Hutter, D., Hoshika, S., Yaren, O., Benner, S.A.
Nucl. Acids Res. (2018) 46(12): 5902-10,DOI:10.1093/nar/gky392


The Challenge of Synthetic Biology. Synthetic Darwinism and the Aperiodic Crystal Structure.
Karalkar, N.B. and Benner, S.A.
Curr. Op. Chem Biol. (2018) 46C:188-195, DOI:10.1016/j.cbpa.2018.07.008


Optimization of cationic (Q)-paper for detection of arboviruses in infected mosquitoes
Glushakova, L.G., Alto, B.W., Kim, M.S., Wiggins, K., Eastmond, B., Moussatche, P., Burkett-Cadena, N.D., and Benner, S.A.
J Virol Methods, Elsevier (2018) 261:71-9, DOI:10.1016/j.jviromet.2018.08.004


Detection of Mosquito-borne Arboviruses by twenty two multiplexed xMAP Luminex Arrays Panel
Glushakova, L.G., Alto, B.W., Bradley, A., Benner, S.A.
Res. & Rev. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., Research & Reviews (2018) 7(2):36-40


Other Genetic Alphabets
Campos, L., Benner, S.A.
JoDS (2018) 4:10 Dec


Prebiotic Plausibility and Networks of Paradox-Resolving Independent Models
Benner, S.A.
Nat. Commun., Nature (2018) 9(1):5173, DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-07274-y


Biophysics of Artificially Expanded Genetic Information Systems. Thermodynamics of DNA Duplexes Containing Matches and Mismatches Involving 2-Amino-3-nitropyridin-6-one (Z) and Imidazo[1,2?a]-1,3,5-triazin-4(8H)one (P)
Xiaoyu Wang, Shuichi Hoshika, Raymond J. Peterson, Myong-Jung Kim, Steven A. Benner, and Jason D. Kahn
ACS Synthetic Biology, American Chemical Society (2017) DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.6b00224


Adsorption of RNA on mineral surfaces and mineral precipitates
Elisa Biondi, Yoshihiro Furukawa, Jun Kawai, and Steven A. Benner
Beilstein J. Org. Chem., Beilstein Institute (2017) 13, 393-404


Tautomeric equilibria of iso-guanine and related purine analogs
Nilesh B. Karalkar, Kshitij Khare, Robert Molt, and Steven A. Benner
Nuc. Nuc. Nuc. acids, Taylor & Francis Group (2017) Apr 3;36(4):256-274. doi: 10.1080/15257770.2016.1268694


Prebiotic stereoselective synthesis of purine and noncanonical pyrimidine nucleotide from nucleobases and phosphorylated carbohydrates
Hyo-Joong Kim, Steven A. Benner
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2017) October, 114 (43) 11315-11320. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1710778114


Detecting Darwinism from Molecules in the Enceladus Plumes, Jupiter's Moons, and Other Planetary Water Lagoons
Steven A. Benner
Astrobiology17 840-851 (2017) DOI: 10.1089/ast.2016.1611


Expanded Genetic Alphabets. Managing Nucleotides that Lack Tautomeric, Protonated, or Deprotonated Versions Complementary to Natural Nucleotides
Winiger, C.B., Shaw, R.W., Kim, M.J., Moses, J.D., Matsuura, M.F. and Benner, S.A.
ACS Synthetic Biology, American Chemical Society (2017) 55(51):15816-20, DOI:10.1002/anie.201608001


Uniting Natural History with the Molecular Sciences. The Ultimate Multidisciplinarity
Benner, S.A.
Acc. Chem. Res. (2017) 50(3):498-502, DOI:10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00496


Biological phosphorylation of an Unnatural Base Pair (UBP) using a Drosophila melanogaster deoxynucleoside kinase (DmdNK) mutant.
Chen, F., Zhang, Y., Daugherty, A.B., Yang, Z.Y., Shaw, R., Dong, M.X., Lutz, S. and Benner, S.A.
PLOS One, Public Library of Science (2017) 12(3): e0174163, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0174163


Point of sampling detection of Zika virus within a multiplexed kit capable of detecting dengue and chikungunya
Yaren, O., Alto, B.W., Gangodkar, P.V., Ranade, S.R., Patil, K.N., Bradley, K.M., Yang, Z., Phadke, N., Benner, S.A
BMC Infect. Dis., BioMed Central Ltd. (2017) 17(1):293, DOI:10.1186/s12879-017-2382-0


Detection of chikungunya viral RNA in mosquito bodies on cationic (Q) paper based on innovations in synthetic biology
Glushakova, L.G., Alto, B.W., Kim, M.S., Bradley, A., Yaren, O., Benner, S.A.
J Virol Methods, Elsevier (2017) 246:104-11, DOI:10.1016/j.jviromet.2017.04.013


Structure and biophysics for a six letter DNA alphabet that includes imidazo[1,2-a]-1,3,5-triazine-2(8H)-4(3H)-dione (X) and 2,4-diaminopyrimidine (K).
Singh, I., Kim, M.J., Molt, R., Benner, S. A., Georgiadis, M.
ACS Synthetic Biology, American Chemical Society (2017) 6(11):2118-29, DOI:10.1021/acssynbio.7b00150


Assays To Detect the Formation of Triphosphates of Unnatural Nucleotides: Application to Escherichia coli Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase
Mariko F. Matsuura, Ryan W. Shaw, Jennifer D. Moses, Hyo-Joong Kim, Myong-Jung Kim, Myong-Sang Kim, Shuichi Hoshika, Nilesh Karalkar, and Steven A. Benner
ACS Synthetic Biology, American Chemical Society (2016) 5 (3), pp 234-240 DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.5b00172


Synthesis and Enzymology of 2'-Deoxy-7-deazaisoguanosine Triphosphate and Its Complement: A Second Generation Pair in an Artificially Expanded Genetic Information System
Karalkar NB, Leal NA, Kim MS, Bradley KM, Benner SA
ACS Synthetic Biology, American Chemical Society (2016) doi: 10.1021/acssynbio.5b00276


Alternative Watson-Crick Synthetic Genetic Systems
Steven A. Benner, Nilesh B. Karalkar, Shuichi Hoshika, Roberto Laos, Ryan W. Shaw, Mariko Matsuura, Diego Fajardo, and Patricia Moussatche
Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (2016) doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a023770


Aptamers against Cells Overexpressing Glypican 3 from Expanded Genetic Systems Combined with Cell Engineering and Laboratory Evolution
Zhang, L, Yang, Z, Trinh, TL, Teng, I-T, Wang, S, Bradley, KM, Hoshika, S, Wu, Q, Cansiz, S, Rowold, DJ, McLendon, C, Kim, M-S, Wu, Y, Cui, C, Liu, Y, Hou, W, Stewart, K, Wan, S, Liu, C, Benner, SA, Tan, W
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.55 (2016) doi: 10.1002/anie.201605058


Standard and AEGIS nicking molecular beacons detect amplicons from the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus
Ozlem Yaren, Lyudmyla G. Glushakova, Kevin M. Bradley, Shuichi Hoshika,Steven A. Benner
J Virol Methods(236), Elsevier 54-61 (2016) doi:10.1016/j.jviromet.2016.07.008


A norovirus detection architecture based on isothermal amplification and expanded genetic systems
Ozlem Yaren, Kevin M. Bradley, Patricia Moussatche, Shuichi Hoshika, Zunyi Yang,Shu Zhu, Stephanie M. Karst, Steven A. Benner
J Virol Methods(237), Elsevier 64-71 (2016) doi: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2016.08.012


Polymerase Interactions with Wobble Mismatches in Synthetic Genetic Systems and Their Evolutionary Implications
Christian B. Winiger, Myong-Jung Kim, Shuichi Hoshika, Ryan W. Shaw, Jennifer D. Moses, Mariko F. Matsuura, Dietlind L. Gerloff, and Steven A. Benner
Biochemistry55(28), ACS 3847-3850 (2016) DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.6b00533


Laboratory evolution of artificially expanded DNA gives redesignable aptamers that target the toxic form of anthrax protective antigen
Biondi E, Lane JD, Das D, Dasgupta S, Piccirilli JA, Hoshika S, Bradley KM, Krantz BA, Benner SA
Nucl. Acids Res. (2016) Oct 3. pii: gkw890. PubMed PMID: 27701076


Crystal structures of deprotonated nucleobases from an expanded DNA alphabet
Mariko F. Matsuura, Hyo-Joong Kim, Daisuke Takahashi, Khalil A. Abboud and Steven A. Benner
Structural Chemistry, Acta Crystallographica (2016) C72, 952-959. doi: 10.1107/S2053229616017071


Opal Absorbs and Stabilizes RNA - A Hierarchy of Prebiotic Silica Minerals
Biondi, E.; Howell, L.; Benner, S.A.
SynLett (2016) 27, A-E


A Single Deoxynucleoside Kinase Variant from Drosophila melanogaster Synthesizes Monophosphates of Nucleosides That Are Components of an Expanded Genetic System
Mariko F. Matsuura, Christian B. Winiger, Ryan W. Shaw, Myong-Jung Kim, Myong-Sang Kim, Ashley B. Daugherty, Fei Chen, Patricia Moussatche, Jennifer D. Moses, Stefan Lutz, and Steven A. Benner
ACS Synthetic Biology, American Chemical Society (2016) DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.6b00228


Unusual Hydrogen Bonding Patterns and the Role of the Backbone in Nucleic Acid Information Transfer
Steven A. Benner
ACS Cent Sci.(2), American Chemical Society 882-884 (2016) DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.6b00344


Evaporite Borate-Containing Mineral Ensembles Make Phosphate Available and Regiospecifically Phosphorylate Ribonucleosides: Borate as a Multifaceted Problem Solver in Prebiotic Chemistry
Kim, H.J., Furukawa, Y., Kakegawa, T., Bita, A., Scorei, R. and Benner, S.A.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2016) 55(51):15816-20, DOI:10.1002/anie.201608001


Evolution of functional six-nucleotide DNA
Zhang, L., Yang, Z., Sefah, K., Bradley, K. M., Hoshika, S., Kim, M-J,. Kim, H-J., Zhu., Jimenez, E., Cansiz, S., Teng, I-T., Champanhac, C, McLendon, C., Liu, C., Zhang, W., Gerloff, D. L., Huang, Z., Tan, W., Benner, S. A.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2015) DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b02251


Transcription, Reverse Transcription, and Analysis of RNA Containing Artificial Genetic Components
Nicole A. Leal, Hyo-Joong Kim, Shuichi Hoshika, Myong-Jung Kim, Matthew A. Carrigan, and Steven A. Benner
ACS Synthetic Biology, American Chemical Society (2015) Apr 17;4(4):407-13. doi: 10.1021/sb500268n


Structural basis for a six nucleotide genetic alphabet
Georgiadis, M. M., Singh, I., Kellett, W. F., Hoshika, S., Benner, S. A. Richards, N. G. J.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2015) DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b3482


Detecting respiratory viral RNA using expanded genetic alphabets and self-avoiding DNA
Lyudmyla G. Glushakova, Nidhi Sharma, Shuichi Hoshika, Andrea C. Bradley, Kevin M. Bradley, Zunyi Yang, Steven A. Benner
Anal Biochem, Elsevier (2015) Nov 15;489:62-72. doi: 10.1016/j.ab.2015.08.015


High-throughput multiplexed xMAP Luminex array panel for detection of twenty two medically important mosquito-borne arboviruses based on innovations in synthetic biology
Lyudmyla G. Glushakova, Andrea Bradley, Kevin M. Bradley, Barry W. Alto, Shuichi Hoshika, Daniel Hutter, Nidhi Sharma, Zunyi Yang, Myong-Jung Kim, Steven A. Benner
J Virol Methods214, Elsevier 60-74 (2015) doi: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2015.01.003


A Crystal Structure of a Functional RNA Molecule Containing an Artificial Nucleobase Pair
Armando R. Hernandez, Yaming Shao, Shuichi Hoshika, Zunyi Yang, Sandip A. Shelke, Julien Herrou, Hyo-Joong Kim, Myong-Jung Kim, Joseph A. Piccirilli, and Steven A. Benner
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.54 9853-9856 (2015) doi: 10.1002/anie.201504731


Restriction enzymes cleave DNA immobilized on micron-sized diamond crystallites
Yaren O, Benner SA
Diamond Relat. Mater., Elsevier (2015) 52, 18-24


Helicase Dependent Isothermal Amplification of DNA and RNA using Self-Avoiding Molecular Recognition Systems
Zunyi Yang, Chris McLendon, Daniel Hutter, Kevin M. Bradley, Shuichi Hoshika, Carole Frye, and Steven A. Benner
ChemBioChem (2015) June 15; 16(9): 1365-1370. doi:10.1002/cbic.201500135.


Solubility of Polyethers in Hydrocarbons at Low Temperatures. A Model for Potential Genetic Backbones on Warm Titans
Christopher McLendon, F. Jeffrey Opalko, Heshan I. Illangkoon, and Steven A. Benner
Astrobiology15(3) (2015) DOI: 10.1089/ast.2014.1212


Ribonucleosides for an Artificially Expanded Genetic Information System
Hyo-Joong Kim, Nicole A. Leal, Shuichi Hoshika, Steven A. Benner
J. Org. Chem. (2014) 79 (7), pp 3194-3199


OligArch: A software tool to allow artificially expanded genetic information systems (AEGIS) to guide the autonomous self-assembly of long DNA constructs from multiple DNA single strands
Kevin M. Bradley and Steven A. Benner
Beilstein J. Org. Chem., Beilstein Institute (2014) 10, 1826-1833, doi:10.3762/bjoc.10.192


Recombinase-Based Isothermal Amplification of Nucleic Acids with Self-Avoiding Molecular Recognition Systems (SAMRS)
Nidhi Sharma, Shuichi Hoshika, Daniel Hutter, Kevin M. Bradley, and Steven A. Benner
ChemBioChem (2014) DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201402250


Hominids adapted to metabolize ethanol long before human-directed fermentation
Matthew A. Carrigan, Oleg Uryasev, Carole B. Frye, Blair L. Eckman, Candace R. Myers, Thomas D. Hurley, and Steven A. Benner
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA112(2) 458-463 (2014) doi: 10.1073/pnas.1404167111


Directed Evolution of Polymerases To Accept Nucleotides with Nonstandard Hydrogen Bond Patterns
Laos R, Shaw R, Leal NA, Gaucher E, Benner S.
Biochemistry, ACS (2013) 52, 5288-5294


Conversion strategy using an expanded genetic alphabet to assay nucleic acids
Yang, Z., Durante, M., Glushakova, L., Sharma, N., Leal, N., Bradley, K., Chen, F., Benner, S. A.
Anal. Chem. (2013) 85(9):4705-12


The "strong" RNA world hypothesis. Fifty years old.
Neveu, Mark; Kim, Hyo-Joong; Benner, Steven A
Astrobiology13(4) (2013) DOI: 10.1089/ast.2012.0868


Models and Standards of Proof in Cross-Disciplinary Science: The Case of Arsenic DNA
Steven A. Benner, William Bains, and Sara Seager
Astrobiology13(5) (2013) DOI: 10.1089/ast.2012.0954


Use of codon models in molecular dating and functional analysis
Steven A. Benner
Codon Evolution, ed. Gina M Cannarozzi, Adrian Scheider, Oxford University Press 133-144 (2012)


Synthesis and Properties of 5-Cyano-Substituted Nucleoside Analog with a Donor-Donor-Acceptor Hydrogen-Bonding Pattern
Hyo-Joong Kim, Fei Chen, and Steven A. Benner
J. Org. Chem. (2012)


The Natural History of Class I Primate Alcohol Dehydrogenases Includes Gene Duplication, Gene Loss, and Gene Conversion
Matthew A. Carrigan, Oleg Uryasev, Ross P. Davis, LanMin Zhai, Thomas D. Hurley, Steven A. Benner
PLOS One7(7), Public Library of Science (2012)


Recognition of an expanded genetic alphabet by type-II restriction endonucleases and their application to analyze polymerase fidelity.
Chen, F; Yang, ZY; Yan, M; Alvarado, JB; Wang, G; Benner, SA
Nucl. Acids Res.39(9) 3949-3961 (2011)


Synthetic Biology, Tinkering Biology, and Artificial Biology: A Perspective from Chemistry
Benner, SA; Chen, F; Yang, ZY
Chemical Synthetic Biology, ed. Pier Luigi Luisi and Cristiano Chiarabelli, Wiley 69-106 (2011)


Setting the Stage: The History, Chemistry, and Geobiology behind RNA
Benner, SA; Kim, HJ; Yang, ZY
RNA Worlds: From Life's Origins to Diversity in Gene Regulation, ed. John F. Atkins, Raymond F. Gesteland, Thomas R. Cech, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 7-19 (2011)


Amplification, Mutation, and Sequencing of a Six-Letter Synthetic Genetic System
Yang, Z; Chen, F; Alvarado, JB; Benner, SA
J. Am. Chem. Soc.133(38) 15105-15112 (2011) dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja204910n


Labeled nucleoside triphosphates with reversibly terminating aminoalkoxyl groups
Hutter, D; Kim, MJ; Karalkar, N; Leal, NA; Chen, F; Guggenheim, E; Visalakshi, V; Olejnik, J; Gordon, S; Benner, SA
Nuc. Nuc. Nuc. acids29(11), Taylor & Francis Group 879-895 (2010)


Expanded Genetic Alphabets in the Polymerase Chain Reaction
Yang, ZY; Chen, F; Chamberlin, SG; Benner, SA
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.49(1) 177-180 (2010)


Artificial Genetic Systems: Self-Avoiding DNA in PCR and Multiplexed PCR
Hoshika, S; Chen, F; Leal, NA; Benner, SA
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.49(32) 5554-5557 (2010)


Reconstructed evolutionary adaptive paths give polymerases accepting reversible terminators for sequencing and SNP detection
Chen, F; Gaucher, EA; Leal, NA; Hutter, D; Havemann, SA; Govindarajan, S; Ortlund, EA; Benner, SA
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA107(5) 1948-1953 (2010)


Chemistry, Life, and the Search for Aliens
Benner, SA
Proc. SPIE7819(10) 1-12 (2010)


Interview with Steven Benner
Impey, C; Benner, SA
Talking about Life: Conversations on Astrobiology, ed. Chris Impey, Cambridge University Press 58-68 (2010)


Q&A: Life, synthetic biology and risk
Benner, SA
BMC Biology8(77) (2010) doi:10.1186/1741-7007-8-77


2'-Deoxy-1-methylpseudocytidine, a stable analog of 2'-deoxy-5-methylisocytidine
Kim, HJ; Leal, NA; Benner, SA
Bioorg. Med. Chem.17(10) 3728-3732 (2009)


A Convenient Synthesis of N,N'-dibenzyl-2,4-diaminopyrimidine-2'-deoxyribonucleoside and 1-Methyl-2'-Deoxypseudoisocytidine
Wellington, KW; Ooi, HC; Benner, SA
Nuc. Nuc. Nuc. acids28(4), Taylor & Francis Group 275-291 (2009)


Signatures of a Shadow Biosphere
Davies, PCW; Benner, SA; Cleland, CE; Lineweaver, CH; McKay, CP; Wolfe-Simon, F
Astrobiology9(2) 241-249 (2009)


The challenges of sequencing by synthesis
Fuller, CW; Middendorf, LR; Benner, SA; Church, GM; Harris, T; Huang, XH; Jovanovich, SB; Nelson, JR; Schloss, JA; Schwartz, DC; Vezenov, DV
Nat. Biotechnol.27(11) 1013-1023 (2009)


Design of a novel molecular beacon: modification of the stem with artificially genetic alphabet
Sheng, PP; Yang, ZY; Kim, YM; Wu, YR; Tan, WH; Benner, SA
Chem. Comm.(41), Royal Society of Chemistry 5128-5130 (2008)


The planetary biology of ascorbate and uric acid and their relationship with the epidemic of obesity and cardiovascular disease
Johnson, RJ; Gaucher, EA; Sautin, YY; Henderson, GN; Angerhofer, AJ; Benner, SA
Medical Hypotheses71(1) 22-31 (2008)


Self-Avoiding Molecular Recognition Systems (SAMRS)
Hoshika, S; Chen, F; Leal, NA; Benner, SA
Nucleic Acids Symp. Ser.52(1) 129-130 (2008)


Incorporation of Multiple Sequential Pseudothymidines by DNA Polymerases and Their Impact on DNA Duplex Structure
Havemann, SA; Hoshika, S; Hutter, D; Benner, SA
Nuc. Nuc. Nuc. acids27(3), Taylor & Francis Group 261-278 (2008)


Synthesis of pyrophosphates for in vitro selection of catalytic RNA molecules
Kim, HJ; Kim, MJ; Karalkar, N; Hutter, D; Benner, SA
Nuc. Nuc. Nuc. acids27, Taylor & Francis Group 43-56 (2008)


Synthetic Biology for Improved Personalized Medicine
Benner, SA; Hoshika, S; Sukeda, M; Hutter, D; Leal, NA; Yang, ZY; Chen, F
Nucleic Acids Symp. Ser.52(1) 243-244 (2008) doi: 10.1093/nass/nrn123


The resurrection of ribonucleases from mammals: from ecology to medicine
Sassi, SO; Benner, SA
Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction, ed. David A. Liberles, Oxford University Press 208-224 (2007)


The early days of paleogenetics: connecting molecules to the planet
Benner, SA
Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction, ed. David A. Liberles, Oxford University Press 3-19 (2007)


The evolution of seminal ribonuclease: Pseudogene reactivation or multiple gene inactivation events?
Sassi, SO; Braun, EL; Benner, SA
Mol. Biol. Evol.24(4) 1012-1024 (2007)


Nucleoside alpha-thiotriphosphates, polymerases and the exonuclease III analysis of oligonucleotides containing phosphorothioate linkages
Yang, ZY; Sismour, AM; Benner, SA
Nucl. Acids Res.35(9) 3118-3127 (2007)


Enzymatic incorporation of a third nucleobase pair
Yang, ZY; Sismour, AM; Sheng, PP; Puskar, NL; Benner, SA
Nucl. Acids Res.35(13) 4238-4249 (2007)


The origin of proteins and nucleic acids
Ricardo, A; Benner, SA
Planets and Life: The Emerging Science of Astrobiology, ed. Woodruff T. Sullivan and John A. Baross, Cambridge University Press 154-173 (2007)


Alien biochemistries
Ward, PD; Benner, SA
Planets and Life: The Emerging Science of Astrobiology, ed. Woodruff T. Sullivan and John A. Baross, Cambridge University Press 537-544 (2007)


Molecular Paleoscience: Systems Biology from the Past
Benner, SA; Sassi, SO; Gaucher, EA
Adv. Enzymol. Relat. Areas Mol. Biol.75 (2006)


Integrating protein structures and precomputed genealogies in the Magnum database: Examples with cellular retinoid binding proteins
Bradley, ME; Benner, SA
BMC Bioinformatics7 89 (2006)


Analysis of transitions at two-fold redundant sites in mammalian genomes. Transition redundant approach-to-equilibrium (TREx) distance metrics
Li, T; Chamberlin, SG; Caraco, MD; Liberles, DA; Gaucher, EA; Benner, SA
BMC Evol. Biol.6 25 (2006)


Application of DETECTER, an Evolutionary Genomic Tool to Analyze Genetic Variation, to the Cystic Fibrosis Gene Family
Gaucher, EA; DeKee, DW; Benner, SA
BMC Genomics7 44 (2006)


2-Hydroxymethylboronate as a Reagent To Detect Carbohydrates: Application to the Analysis of the Formose Reaction
Ricardo, A; Frye, F; Carrigan, MA; Tipton, JD; Powell, DH; Benner, SA
J. Org. Chem.71(25) 9503-9505 (2006)


Dynamic assembly of primers on nucleic acid templates
Leal, NA; Sukeda, M; Benner, SA
Nucl. Acids Res.34 4702-4710 (2006)


Artificially expanded genetic information system: a new base pair with an alternative hydrogen bonding pattern
Yang, ZY; Hutter, D; Sheng, PP; Sismour, AM; Benner, SA
Nucl. Acids Res.34(21) 6095-6101 (2006)


A review: Synthesis of aryl C-glycosides via the heck coupling reaction
Wellington, KW; Benner, SA
Nuc. Nuc. Nuc. acids25(12), Taylor & Francis Group 1309-1333 (2006)


Desorption/ionization on porous silicon mass spectrometry studies on pentose-borate complexes
Li, Q; Ricardo, A; Benner, SA; Winefordner, JD; Powell, DH
Anal. Chem.77(14) 4503-4508 (2005)


Phylogenomic approaches to common problems encountered in the analysis of low copy repeats: The sulfotransferase IA gene family example
Bradley, ME; Benner, SA
BMC Evol. Biol.5 22 (2005)


Synthetic biology
Sismour, AM; Benner, SA
Expert Opin. Biol. Ther.5(11) 1409-1414 (2005)


Planetary systems biology
Benner, SA; Ricardo, A
Mol. Cell17(4) 471-472 (2005)


The use of thymidine analogs to improve the replication of an extra DNA base pair: a synthetic biological system
Sismour, AM; Benner, SA
Nucl. Acids Res.33 5640-5646 (2005)


Resurrecting ancestral alcohol dehydrogenases from yeast
Thomson, JM; Gaucher, EA; Burgan, MF; De Kee, DW; Li, T; Aris, JP; Benner, SA
Nature Genet.37(6) 630-635 (2005)


Synthetic Biology
Sismour, AM; Benner, SA
Nat. Rev. Genet.6 533-543 (2005)


Understanding nucleic acids using synthetic chemistry
Benner, SA
Acc. Chem. Res.37(10) 784-797 (2004)


Quantitative analysis of a RNA-cleaving DNA catalyst obtained via in vitro selection
Carrigan, MA; Ricardo, A; Ang, DN; Benner, SA
Biochemistry43(36), ACS 11446-11459 (2004)


The planetary biology of cytochrome P450 aromatases
Gaucher, EA; Graddy, LG; Li, T; Simmen, RC; Simmen, FA; Schreiber, DR; Liberles, DA; Janis, CM; Benner, SA
BMC Biology2(1) 19 (2004)


Multiplexed genetic analysis using an expanded genetic alphabet
Johnson, SC; Marshall, DJ; Harms, G; Miller, CM; Sherrill, CB; Beaty, EL; Lederer, SA; Roesch, EB; Madsen, G; Hoffman, GL; Laessig, RH; Kopish, GJ; Baker, MW; Benner, SA; Farrell, PM; Prudent, JR
Clin. Chem.50(11) 2019-2027 (2004)


Is there a common chemical model for life in the universe?
Benner, SA; Ricardo, A; Carrigan, MA
Curr. Op. Chem Biol.8(6) 672-689 (2004)


Expanding the genetic alphabet: Pyrazine nucleosides that support a donor-donor-acceptor hydrogen-bonding pattern
von Krosigk, U; Benner, SA
Helv. Chim. Acta87(6) 1299-1324 (2004)


Empirical analysis of protein insertions and deletions determining parameters for the correct placement of gaps in protein sequence alignments
Chang, MSS; Benner, SA
J. Mol. Biol.341(2) 617-631 (2004)


Artificial genetic systems: Exploiting the "aromaticity" formalism to improve the tautomeric ratio for isoguanosine derivatives
Martinot, TA; Benner, SA
J. Org. Chem.69(11) 3972-3975 (2004)


Probing minor groove recognition contacts by DNA polymerases and reverse transcriptases using 3-deaza-2 '-deoxyadenosine
Hendrickson, CL; Devine, KG; Benner, SA
Nucl. Acids Res.32(7) 2241-2250 (2004)


PCR amplification of DNA containing non-standard base pairs by variants of reverse transcriptase from Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1
Sismour, AM; Lutz, S; Park, JH; Lutz, MJ; Boyer, PL; Hughes, SH; Benner, SA
Nucl. Acids Res.32 728-735 (2004)


2 '-deoxycytidines carrying amino and thiol functionality: Synthesis and incorporation by vent (exo(-)) polymerase
Roychowdhury, A; Illangkoon, H; Hendrickson, CL; Benner, SA
Org. Lett.6(4) 489-492 (2004)


Borate minerals stabilize ribose
Ricardo, A; Carrigan, MA; Olcott, AN; Benner, SA
Science303(5655) 196-196 (2004)


Redesigning genetics
Benner, SA
Science306(5296) 625-626 (2004)


The NASA astrobiology roadmap
Marais, DJD; Allamandola, LJ; Benner, SA; Boss, AP; Deamer, D; Falkowski, PG; Farmer, JD; Hedges, SB; Jakosky, BM; Knoll, AH; Liskowsky, DR; Meadows, VS; Meyer, MA; Pilcher, CB; Nealson, KH; Spormann, AM; Trent, JD; Turner, WW; Woolf, NJ; Yorke, HW
Astrobiology3(2) 219-235 (2003)


First PCR amplification of DNA containing a nonstandard base pair A.
Lutz, S; Park, JH; Benner, SA
Biochemistry42(28), ACS 8598-8598 (2003)


Evolutionary, structural and biochemical evidence for a new interaction site of the leptin obesity protein
Gaucher, EA; Miyamoto, MM; Benner, SA
Genetics163(4) 1549-1553 (2003)


A direct synthesis of nucleoside analogs homologated at the 3 '- and 5 '-positions
Schmidt, J; Eschgfaller, B; Benner, SA
Helv. Chim. Acta86(9) 2937-2958 (2003)


Synthesis and properties of oligodeoxynucleotide analogs with bis(methylene) sulfone bridges
Eschgfaller, B; Schmidt, JG; Konig, M; Benner, SA
Helv. Chim. Acta86(9) 2959-2997 (2003)


Expanding the genetic alphabet: Non-epimerizing nucleoside with the pyDDA hydrogen-bonding pattern
Hutter, D; Benner, SA
J. Org. Chem.68(25) 9839-9842 (2003)


Synthetic biology with artificially expanded genetic information systems. From personalized medicine to extraterrestrial life
Benner, SA; Hutter, D; Sismour, AM
Nucleic Acids Res. Suppl.3 125-126 (2003)


Act natural
Benner, SA
Nature421(6919) 118-118 (2003)


Inferring the palaeoenvironment of ancient bacteria on the basis of resurrected proteins
Gaucher, EA; Thomson, JM; Burgan, MF; Benner, SA
Nature425(6955) 285-288 (2003)


C-5 modified nucleosides: Direct insertion of alkynyl-thio functionality in pyrimidines
Held, HA; Roychowdhury, A; Benner, SA
Nuc. Nuc. Nuc. acids22(4), Taylor & Francis Group 391-404 (2003)


Nucleobase pairing in Watson-Crick-like genetic expanded information systems
Geyer, CR; Battersby, TR; Benner, SA
Structure11(12) 1485-1498 (2003)


Phosphates, DNA, and the search for nonterrean life: A second generation model for genetic molecules
Benner, SA; Hutter, D
Bioorg. Chem.30(1) 62-80 (2002)


From phosphate to bis(methylene) sulfone: Non-ionic backbone linkers in DNA
Hutter, D; Blaettler, MO; Benner, SA
Helv. Chim. Acta85(9) 2777-2806 (2002)


Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometric resolution, identification, and screening of non-covalent complexes of Hck Src homology 2 domain receptor and ligands from a 324-member peptide combinatorial library
Wigger, M; Eyler, JR; Benner, SA; Li, WQ; Marshall, AG
J. Am. Soc. Mass Spec.13(10) 1162-1169 (2002)


Detecting compensatory covariation signals in protein evolution using reconstructed ancestral sequences
Fukami-Kobayashi, K; Schreiber, DR; Benner, SA
J. Mol. Biol.319(3) 729-743 (2002)


Oligodeoxyribonucleotide analogues with bridging dimethylene sulfide, sulfoxide, and sulfone groups. Toward a second-generation model of nucleic acid structure
Huang, Z; Benner, SA
J. Org. Chem.67(12) 3996-4013 (2002)


Challenging artificial genetic systems: thymidine analogs with 5-position sulfur functionality
Held, HA; Benner, SA
Nucl. Acids Res.30(17) 3857-3869 (2002)


The past as the key to the present: Resurrection of ancient proteins from eosinophils
Benner, SA
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA99(8) 4760-4761 (2002)


Evolution - Planetary biology - Paleontological, geological, and molecular histories of life
Benner, SA; Caraco, MD; Thomson, JM; Gaucher, EA
Science296(5569) 864-868 (2002)


Ribonucleases in ruminants - Response
Benner, SA
Science297(5584) 1122-1122 (2002)


Predicting functional divergence in protein evolution by site-specific rate shifts
Gaucher, EA; Gu, X; Miyamoto, MM; Benner, SA
Trends Biochem. Sci.27(6) 315-321 (2002)


Fluorescent charge-neutral analogue of xanthosine: Synthesis of a 2 '-deoxyribonucleoside bearing a 5-aza-7-deazaxanthine base
Rao, P; Benner, SA
J. Org. Chem.66(15) 5012-5015 (2001)


Natural progression
Benner, SA
Nature409(6819) 459-459 (2001)


Function-structure analysis of proteins using covarion-based evolutionary approaches: Elongation factors
Gaucher, EA; Miyamoto, MM; Benner, SA
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA98(2) 548-552 (2001)


Evolution, language and analogy in functional genomics
Benner, SA; Gaucher, EA
Trends in Genetics17(7) 414-418 (2001)


Beyond BLAST: Paleogenomics tools to infer function to genetic sequences.
Benner, S; Chamberlin, S
Am. J. Hum. Genet.67(4) 260-260 (2000)


Synthesis and characterization of oligonucleotides containing 2 '-deoxyxanthosine using phosphoramidite chemistry
Jurczyk, SC; Horlacher, J; Devined, KG; Benner, SA; Battersby, TR
Helv. Chim. Acta83(7) 1517-1524 (2000)


Evaluation measures of multiple sequence alignments
Gonnet, GH; Korostensky, C; Benner, S
J. Comp. Bio.7 261-276 (2000)


Evolutionary history of the uterine serpins
Peltier, MR; Raley, LC; Liberles, DA; Benner, SA; Hansen, PJ
J. Exp. Zoo.288(2) 165-174 (2000)


The missing organic molecules on Mars
Benner, SA; Devine, KG; Matveeva, LN; Powell, DH
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA97(6) 2425-2430 (2000)


Functional inferences from reconstructed evolutionary biology involving rectified databases. An evolutionarily-grounded approach to functional genomics.
Benner, SA; Chamberlin, SG; Liberles, DA; Govindarajan, S; Knecht, L
Res. MicroBiol.151(2) 97-106 (2000)


Unite efforts and conquer mysteries of artificial genetics
Benner, SA
Science290(5496) 1506-1506 (2000)


Evolutionary, mechanistic, and predictive analyses of the hydroxymethyldihydropterin pyrophosphokinase family of proteins
Gerloff, DL; Cannarozzi, GM; Joachimiak, M; Cohen, FE; Schreiber, D; Benner, SA
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.254(1) 70-76 (1999)


Simple one-pot synthesis of a 2 '-tritium labeled C-deoxynucleoside
Lutz, S; Benner, SA
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.9(5) 723-726 (1999)


Sequence analysis of FMRFamide-like peptides and precursors
Carrigan, M; Espinoza, E; Thomas, S; Benner, SA; Edison, AS
Brain Res.848 (1999)


Structural changes to ribonuclease A and their effects on biological activity
Soucek, J; Raines, RT; Haugg, M; Raillard-Yoon, SA; Benner, SA
Comp. Biochem. Phys. C123(2) 103-111 (1999)


Crystal structure of a hybrid between ribonuclease A and bovine seminal ribonuclease - the basic surface, at 2.0 angstrom resolution
Vatzaki, EH; Allen, SC; Leonidas, DD; Trautwein-Fritz, K; Stackhouse, J; Benner, SA; Acharya, KR
Euro. J. Biochem.260(1) 176-182 (1999)


An alternative to the origins of life theories: Amino acid-like DNA molecules with catalytic activity
Ang, DN; Suh, B; Westermann-Clark, E; Battersby, T; Benner, SA
FASEB J.13(7) (1999)


Synthesis of 2 '-deoxyisoguanosine 5 '-triphosphate and 2 '-deoxy-5-methylisocytidine 5 '-triphosphate
Jurczyk, SC; Kodra, JT; Park, JH; Benner, SA; Battersby, TR
Helv. Chim. Acta82(7) 1005-1015 (1999)


Quantitative analysis of receptors for adenosine nucleotides obtained via in vitro selection from a library incorporating a cationic nucleotide analog
Battersby, TR; Ang, DN; Burgstaller, P; Jurczyk, SC; Bowser, MT; Buchanan, DD; Kennedy, RT; Benner, SA
J. Am. Chem. Soc.121(42) 9781-9789 (1999)


Catalysts, anticatalysts, and receptors for unactivated phosphate diesters in water
Zepik, HH; Benner, SA
J. Org. Chem.64(22) 8080-8083 (1999)


An in vitro screening technique for DNA polymerases that can incorporate modified nucleotides. Pseudothymidine as a substrate for thermostable polymerases
Lutz, S; Burgstaller, P; Benner, SA
Nucl. Acids Res.27(13) 2792-2798 (1999)


Synthesis of a monocharged peptide nucleic acid (PNA) analog and its recognition as substrate by DNA polymerases
Lutz, MJ; Will, DW; Breipohl, G; Benner, SA; Uhlmann, E
Nucl. Nucl.18(3) 393-401 (1999)


The molecular origins of life - Assembling pieces of the puzzle
Benner, SA
Science283(5410) 2026-2026 (1999)


Chance and Necessity in Biomolecular Chemistry - Is Life as We Know It Universal?
Benner, SA; Switzer, CY
Simplicity and Complexity in Proteins and Nucleic Acids, ed. H. Frauenfelder, J. Deisenhofer, P.G. Wolynes, Dahlem University Press 339-363 (1999)


How small can a microorganism be?
Benner, SA
Size Limits of Very Small Microorganisms: Proceedings of a Workshop, Steering Group on Astrobiology of the Space Studies Board, National Research Council 126-135 (1999)


Post-genomic science: Converting primary structure into physiological function
Benner, SA; Trabesinger, N; Schreiber, D
Adv. Enz. Reg.38(1) 155-180 (1998)


Structure prediction in a post-genomic environment: A secondary and tertiary structural model for the initiation factor 5A family
Gerloff, DL; Joachimiak, M; Cohen, FE; Cannarozzi, GM; Chamberlin, SG; Benner, SA
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.251(1) 173-181 (1998)


Origin of dimeric structure in the ribonuclease superfamily
Ciglic, MI; Jackson, PJ; Raillard, SA; Haugg, M; Jermann, TM; Opitz, JG; Trabesinger-Ruf, N; Benner, SA
Biochemistry37(12), ACS 4008-4022 (1998)


Origin of the catalytic activity of bovine seminal ribonuclease against double-stranded RNA
Opitz, JG; Ciglic, MI; Haugg, M; Trautwein-Fritz, K; Raillard, SA; Jermann, TM; Benner, SA
Biochemistry37(12), ACS 4023-4033 (1998)


Recognition of a non-standard base pair by thermostable DNA polymerases
Lutz, MJ; Horlacher, J; Benner, SA
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.8(10) 1149-1152 (1998)


Recognition of 2 '-deoxyisoguanosine triphosphate by HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and mammalian cellular DNA polymerases
Lutz, MJ; Horlacher, J; Benner, SA
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.8(5) 499-504 (1998)


A combinatorial distance-constraint approach to predicting protein tertiary models from known secondary structure
Chelvanayagam, G; Knecht, L; Jenny, T; Benner, SA; Gonnet, GH
Folding Des.3(3) 149-160 (1998)


Synthesis of oligonucleotides containing 2 '-deoxyisoguanosine and 2 '-deoxy-5-methylisocytidine using phosphoramidite chemistry
Jurczyk, SC; Kodra, JT; Rozzell, JD; Benner, SA; Battersby, TR
Helv. Chim. Acta81(5) 793-811 (1998)


Distorting duplex DNA by dimethylenesulfone substitution: A new class of "transition state analog" inhibitors for restriction enzymes
Blattler, MO; Wenz, C; Pingoud, A; Benner, SA
J. Am. Chem. Soc.120(11) 2674-2675 (1998)


Synthesis and biodistribution of a short nonionic oligonucleotide analogue in mouse with a potential to mimic peptides
Eschgfaller, B; Konig, M; Boess, F; Boelsterli, UA; Benner, SA
J. Med. Chem.41(3) 276-283 (1998)


Functionalization of nucleoside analogs: Regiospecific conversion of 4 ''-hydroxyl groups to thioesters and deoxygenation of 3 '-hydroxyl groups
Huang, Z; Benner, SA
Nuc. Nuc. Nuc. acids17(5), Taylor & Francis Group 895-899 (1998)


Redesigning nucleic acids
Benner, SA; Battersby, TR; Eschgfaller, B; Hutter, D; Kodra, JT; Lutz, S; Arslan, T; Baschlin, DK; Blattler, M; Egli, M; Hammer, C; Held, HA; Horlacher, J; Huang, Z; Hyrup, B; Jenny, TF; Jurczyk, SC; Konig, M; von Krosigk, U; Lutz, MJ; MacPherson, LJ; Moro
Pure Appl. Chem.70(2) 263-266 (1998)


Libraries for receptor-assisted combinatorial synthesis (RACS). The olefin metathesis reaction
Giger, T; Wigger, M; Audetat, S; Benner, SA
SynLett(6) 688 (1998)


Bona fide predictions of protein secondary structure using transparent analyses of multiple sequence alignments
Benner, SA; Cannarozzi, G; Gerloff, D; Turcotte, M; Chelvanayagam, G
Chem. Rev.97(8) 2725-2843 (1997)


Redesigning nucleic acids
Benner, SA
FASEB J.11(9) (1997)


Recognition of uncharged polyamide-linked nucleic acid analogs by DNA polymerases and reverse transcriptases
Lutz, MJ; Benner, SA; Hein, S; Breipohl, G; Uhlmann, E
J. Am. Chem. Soc.119(13) 3177-3178 (1997)


The B-12-dependent ribonucleotide reductase from the archaebacterium Thermoplasma acidophila: An evolutionary solution to the ribonucleotide reductase conundrum
Tauer, A; Benner, SA
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA94(1) 53-58 (1997)


A predicted consensus structure for the C-terminus of the beta and gamma chains of fibrinogen
Gerloff, DL; Cohen, FE; Benner, SA
Proteins27(2) 279-289 (1997)


A predicted consensus structure for the N-terminal fragment of the heat shock protein HSP90 family
Gerloff, DL; Cohen, FE; Korostensky, C; Turcotte, M; Gonnet, GH; Benner, SA
Proteins27(3) 450-458 (1997)


An analysis of simultaneous variation in protein structures
Chelvanayagam, G; Eggenschwiler, A; Knecht, L; Gonnet, GH; Benner, SA
Prot. Eng.10(4) 307-316 (1997)


Assessing enzyme substrate specificity using combinatorial libraries and electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
Wigger, M; Nawrocki, JP; Watson, CH; Eyler, JR; Benner, SA
Rapid Comm. Mass Spec.11(16) 1749-1752 (1997)


Synthesis of an N-alkyl derivative of 2'-deoxyisoguanosine
Kodra, JT; Benner, SA
SynLett(8) 939-2843 (1997)


Developing new synthetic catalysts. How nature does it
Benner, SA; Jermann, TM; Opitz, JG; Raillard, SA; Zankel, TR; Trautwein-Fritz, K; Stackhouse, J; Ciglic, MI; Haugg, M; Trabesinger-Ruf, N; Weinhold, EG
Acta Chem. Scand.50(3) 243-248 (1996)


Catalysis: The omnipresent phenomenon.
Benner, SA
FASEB J.10(6) (1996)


Pseudogenes in ribonuclease evolution: A source of new biomacromolecular function?
TrabesingerRuef, N; Jermann, T; Zankel, T; Durrant, B; Frank, G; Benner, SA
FEBS Lett.382(3) 319-322 (1996)


Synthesis and characterization of non-standard nucleosides and nucleotides bearing the acceptor-donor-donor pyrimidine analog 6-amino-3-methylpyrazin-2(1H)-one
Voegel, JJ; Benner, SA
Helv. Chim. Acta79(7) 1863-1880 (1996)


Synthesis, molecular recognition, and enzymology of oligonucleotides containing the non-standard base pair between 5-aza-7-deazaisoguanine and 6-amino-3-methylpyrazin-2(1H)-one, a donor-acceptor-acceptor purine analog and an acceptor-donor-donor pyrimidine analog
Voegel, JJ; Benner, SA
Helv. Chim. Acta79(7) 1881-1898 (1996)


Nonionic analogs of RNA with dimethylene sulfone bridges
Richert, C; Roughton, AL; Benner, SA
J. Am. Chem. Soc.118(19) 4518-4531 (1996)


Chimera of dimethylene sulfone-, methyl sulfide-, and methyl sulfoxide-linked ribonucleotides and DNA
Baeschlin, DK; Hyrup, B; Benner, SA; Richert, C
J. Org. Chem.61(21) 7620-7626 (1996)


Differential discrimination of DNA polymerases for variants of the non-standard nucleobase pair between xanthosine and 2,4-diaminopyrimidine, two components of an expanded genetic alphabet
Lutz, MJ; Held, HA; Hottiger, M; Hubscher, U; Benner, SA
Nucl. Acids Res.24(7) 1308-1313 (1996)


Analysis of combinatorial libraries using electrospray Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
Nawrocki, JP; Wigger, M; Watson, CH; Hayes, TW; Senko, MW; Benner, SA; Eyler, JR
Rapid Comm. Mass Spec.10(14) 1860-1864 (1996)


Protein structure prediction
Benner, SA; Geroff, DL; Rozzell, JD
Science274(5292) 1448-1449 (1996)


Four step synthesis of a 5'-deoxy-5'-iodomethylthymidine
Baeschlin, DK; Daube, M; Blattler, MO; Benner, SA; Richert, C
Tet. Lett.37(10) 1591-1592 (1996)


Reconstructing ancient forms of life
Benner, SA
J. Cell. Biol.(19) 200-200 (1995)


Immunosuppressive activity of angiogenin in comparison with bovine seminal ribonuclease and pancreatic ribonuclease
Matousek, J; Soucek, J; Riha, J; Zankel, TR; Benner, SA
Comp. Biochem. Phys. B112(2) 235-241 (1995)


Crystal structure of a dimethylene sulfone-linked ribodinucleotide analog
Roughton, AL; Portmann, S; Benner, SA; Egli, M
J. Am. Chem. Soc.117(27) 7249-7250 (1995)


X-ray crystal-structure of a dimethylene sulfone-bridged ribonucleotide dimer in a single-stranded state
Hyrup, B; Richert, C; Schulteherbruggen, T; Benner, SA; Egli, M
Nucl. Acids Res.23(13) 2427-2433 (1995)


Reconstructing the evolutionary history of the artiodactyl ribonuclease superfamily
Jermann, TM; Opitz, JG; Stackhouse, J; Benner, SA
Nature374(6517) 57-59 (1995)


Uncertainty in ancient phylogenies - reply
Benner, SA; Jermann, TM; Opitz, JG; Stackhouse, J; Knecht, LJ; Gonnet, GH
Nature377(6545) 109-110 (1995)


Recognition by viral and cellular DNA polymerases of nucleosides bearing bases with nonstandard hydrogen bonding patterns
Horlacher, J; Hottiger, M; Podust, VN; Hubscher, U; Benner, SA
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA92(14) 6329-6333 (1995)


Predicted secondary and supersecondary structure for the serine-threonine-specific protein phosphatase family
Jenny, TF; Gerloff, DL; Cohen, MA; Benner, SA
Proteins21(1) 1-10 (1995)


A consensus prediction of the secondary structure for the 6-phospho-&#946;-D-galactosidase superfamily
Gerloff, DL; Benner, SA
Proteins21(4) 273-281 (1995)


A predicted consensus structure for the protein-kinase C2 homology (C2H) domain, the repeating unit of synaptotagmin
Gerloff, DL; Chelvanayagam, G; Benner, SA
Proteins22(4) 299-310 (1995)


The phospho-&#946;-galactosidase and synaptotagmin predictions
Benner, SA; Gerloff, D; Chelvanayagam, G
Proteins23(3) 446-453 (1995)


Engineering yeast alcohol dehydrogenase. Replacing Trp54 by Leu broadens substrate specificity
Weinhold, EG; Benner, SA
Prot. Eng.8(5) 457-461 (1995)


Predicting the conformation of proteins from sequences - progress and future progress
Benner, SA; Jenny, TF; Cohen, MA; Gonnet, GH
Adv. Enz. Reg.34(5179) 269-353 (1994)


Analysis of amino-acid substitution during divergent evolution - the 400 by 400 dipeptide substitution matrix
Gonnet, GH; Cohen, MA; Benner, SA
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.199(2) 489-496 (1994)


Evaluating predictions of secondary structure in proteins
Jenny, TF; Benner, SA
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.200(1) 149-155 (1994)


Reverse transphosphorylation by ribonuclease A needs an intact p(2)-binding site - point mutations at lys-7 and arg-10 alter the catalytic properties of the enzyme
Boix, E; Nogues, MV; Schein, CH; Benner, SA; Cuchillo, CM
J. Biol. Chem.269(4), ASBMB 2529-2534 (1994)


A prediction of the secondary structure of the pleckstrin homology domain
Jenny, TF; Benner, SA
Proteins20(1) 1-3 (1994)


Amino acid substitution during functionally constrained divergent evolution of protein sequences
Benner, SA; Cohen, MA; Gonnet, GH
Prot. Eng.7(11) 1323-1332 (1994)


Predicting protein crystal-structures
Benner, SA; Gerloff, DL; Jenny, TF
Science265(5179) 1642-1644 (1994)


Guanosine derivatives bearing an N2-3-imidazolepropionic acid
Heeb, NV; Benner, SA
Tet. Lett.35(19) 3045-3048 (1994)


Expanding the genetic lexicon: incorporating non-standard amino acids into proteins by ribosome-based synthesis
Benner, SA
Trends Biotech.12(5) 158-163 (1994)


A secondary structure prediction of the hemorrhagic metalloprotease family
Gerloff, DL; Jenny, TF; Knecht, LJ; Benner, SA
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.194(1) 560-565 (1993)


Enzymatic recognition of the base pair between isocytidine and isoguanosine
Switzer, CY; Moroney, SE; Benner, SA
Biochemistry32(39), ACS 10489-10496 (1993)


A word in your protein (reprinted from nature, vol 361, pg 12, 1993)
Gonnet, GH; Benner, SA
Chem. Tech.23(3) 66-66 (1993)


The nitrogenase MoFe protein - a secondary structure prediction
Gerloff, DL; Jenny, TF; Knecht, LJ; Gonnet, GH; Benner, SA
FEBS Lett.318(2) 118-124 (1993)


Predicting the conformation of proteins - man versus machine
Benner, SA; Gerloff, DL
FEBS Lett.325 29-33 (1993)


The donor-acceptor-acceptor purine analog: Transformation of 5-aza-7-deaza-1H-isoguanine (= 4-aminoimidazo-[1,2-a]-1,3,5-triazin-2(1H)-one) to 2'-deoxy-5-aza-7-deaza-isoguanosine using purine nucleoside phosphorylase
Voegel, JJ; Altorfer, MM; Benner, SA
Helv. Chim. Acta76(5) 2061-2069 (1993)


Determination of the absolute-configuration of dimethyl (2S,3S)-2-allyl-3-hydroxyglutarate - a chiral building-block for preparing branched-chain nucleoside analogs
Arslan, T; Herradon, B; Schweizer, BW; Benner, SA
Helv. Chim. Acta76(8) 2969-2975 (1993)


Carbocyclic analogs of nucleosides .4. preparation of enantiomerically pure analogs of purine nucleosides for the synthesis of sulfone-linked oligonucleotide analogs
Jenny, TF; Benner, SA
Helv. Chim. Acta76(2) 826-841 (1993)


Empirical and structural models for insertions and deletions in the divergent evolution of proteins
Benner, SA; Cohen, MA; Gonnet, GH
J. Mol. Biol.229(4) 1065-1082 (1993)


Predicted secondary structure for the src homology 3 domain
Benner, SA; Cohen, MA; Gerloff, D
J. Mol. Biol.229(2) 295-305 (1993)


Reduction of 2-substituted 3-oxoglutarates mediated by baker's yeast. Variation in enantioselectivity without corresponding variation in diastereoselectivity
Arslan, T; Benner, SA
J. Org. Chem.58(8) 2260-2264 (1993)


Synthesis and tautomeric equilibrium of 6-amino-5-benzyl-3-methylpyrazin-2-one - an acceptor-donor-donor nucleoside base analog
Voegel, JJ; Vonkrosigk, U; Benner, SA
J. Org. Chem.58(26) 7542-7547 (1993)


A word in your protein
Gonnet, GH; Benner, SA
Nature361(6408) 121-121 (1993)


Synthesis, structure and activity of artificial, rationally designed catalytic polypeptides
Johnsson, K; Allemann, RK; Widmer, H; Benner, SA
Nature365(6446) 530-532 (1993)


Reading the palimpsest: Contemporary biochemical data and the RNA world
Benner, SA; Cohen, MA; Gonnet, GH; Berkowitz, DB; Johnsson, KP
The RNA World, ed. Raymond F. Gesteland, Thomas R. Cech, and John F. Atkins, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 27-70 (1993)


Catalysis: design versus selection
Benner, SA
Science261(5127) 1402-1403 (1993)


Selective protection and deprotection procedures for thiol and hydroxyl groups
Huang, Z; Benner, SA
SynLett(1) 83-84 (1993)


Evolutionary guidance in biological chemistry
Benner, SA
Biochemistry31(7), ACS 2188-2188 (1992)


Carbocyclic analogs of nucleosides .2. synthesis of 2',3'-dideoxy-5'-homonucleoside analogs
Jenny, TF; Horlacher, J; Previsani, N; Benner, SA
Helv. Chim. Acta75(6) 1944-1954 (1992)


A biomimetic biotechnological process for converting starch to fructose - thermodynamic and evolutionary considerations in applied enzymology
Moradian, A; Benner, SA
J. Am. Chem. Soc.114(18) 6980-6987 (1992)


Ribosome-mediated incorporation of a nonstandard amino-acid into a peptide through expansion of the genetic-code
Bain, JD; Switzer, C; Chamberlin, AR; Benner, SA
Nature356(6369) 537-539 (1992)


Correct structure prediction
Benner, SA; Cohen, MA; Gerloff, D
Nature359(6398) 781-781 (1992)


N2-isobutyrl-O6-[2-(para-nitrophenyl)ethyl]guanine: A new building block for the efficient synthesis of carbocyclic guanosine analogs
Jenny, TF; Schneider, KC; Benner, SA
Nucl. Nucl.11(6) 1257-1261 (1992)


Exhaustive matching of the entire protein sequence database
Gonnet, GH; Cohen, MA; Benner, SA
Science256(5062) 1443-1445 (1992)


Computer-speed and sequence comparison - response
Benner, SA; Cohen, MA; Gonnet, GH
Science257(5077) 1609-1610 (1992)


Efficient regioselective synthesis of guanosine analogs
Jenny, TF; Benner, SA
Tet. Lett.33(44) 6619-6620 (1992)


A C-nucleotide base pair - methylpseudouridine-directed incorporation of formycin triphosphate into RNA catalyzed by T7 RNA-polymerase
Piccirilli, JA; Moroney, SE; Benner, SA
Biochemistry30(42), ACS 10350-10356 (1991)


Site-directed mutagenesis of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease: lysine-41 and aspartate-121
Trautwein, K; Holliger, P; Stackhouse, J; Benner, SA
FEBS Lett.281 275-277 (1991)


A direct route to 3-(D-ribofuranosyl)pyridine nucleosides
Piccirilli, JA; Krauch, T; Macpherson, LJ; Benner, SA
Helv. Chim. Acta74(2) 397-406 (1991)


Building blocks for oligonucleotide analogs with dimethylene-sulfide, -sulfoxide, and -sulfone groups replacing phosphodiester linkages
Huang, Z; Schneider, KC; Benner, SA
J. Org. Chem.56(12) 3869-3882 (1991)


Synthesis of RNA containing inosine - analysis of the sequence requirements for the 5' splice site of the tetrahymena group-I intron
Green, R; Szostak, JW; Benner, SA; Rich, A; Usman, N
Nucl. Acids Res.19(15) 4161-4166 (1991)


Structural determinants of stereospecificity in yeast alcohol dehydrogenase
Weinhold, EG; Glasfeld, A; Ellington, AD; Benner, SA
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA88(19) 8420-8424 (1991)


A hybrid of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease and human angiogenin: an external loop as a module controlling substrate-specificity?
Allemann, RK; Presnell, SR; Benner, SA
Prot. Eng.4(7) 831-835 (1991)


RNA world
Benner, SA; Ellington, AD
Science252(5010) 1232-1232 (1991)


Carbocyclic analogs of nucleosides via modified Mitsunobu reactions
Jenny, TF; Previsani, N; Benner, SA
Tet. Lett.32(48) 7029-7032 (1991)


The ribonuclease from an extinct bovid ruminant
Stackhouse, J; Presnell, SR; Mcgeehan, GM; Nambiar, KP; Benner, SA
FEBS Lett.262(1) 104-106 (1990)


Interferon-&#947; activates the cleavage of double-stranded RNA by bovine seminal ribonuclease
Schein, CH; Haugg, M; Benner, SA
FEBS Lett.270 229-232 (1990)


Oligonucleotides containing flexible nucleoside analogs
Schneider, KC; Benner, SA
J. Am. Chem. Soc.112(1) 453-455 (1990)


Enzymatic incorporation of a new base pair into DNA and RNA extends the genetic alphabet
Piccirilli, JA; Krauch, T; Moroney, SE; Benner, SA
Nature343(6253) 33-37 (1990)


Progenote or protogenote
Benner, SA; Ellington, AD
Science248(4958) 943-944 (1990)


Building-blocks for oligonucleotide analogs with dimethylene-sulfide, dimethylene-sulfoxide, and dimethylene-sulfone groups replacing phosphodiester linkages
Schneider, KC; Benner, SA
Tet. Lett.31(3) 335-338 (1990)


Enzyme kinetics and molecular evolution
Benner, SA
Chem. Rev.89(4) 789-806 (1989)


The stereospecificity of the ferrous-ion-dependent alcohol-dehydrogenase from zymomonas-mobilis
Glasfeld, A; Benner, SA
Euro. J. Biochem.180(2) 373-375 (1989)


An improved system for expressing pancreatic ribonuclease in <i>Escherichia coli</i>
Mcgeehan, GM; Benner, SA
FEBS Lett.247(1) 55-56 (1989)


Enzymatic incorporation of a new base pair into DNA and RNA
Switzer, C; Moroney, SE; Benner, SA
J. Am. Chem. Soc.111(21) 8322-8323 (1989)


Modern metabolism as a palimpsest of the RNA world
Benner, SA; Ellington, AD; Tauer, A
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA86(18) 7054-7058 (1989)


The return of pancreatic ribonucleases
Benner, SA; Allemann, RK
Trends Biochem. Sci.14(10) 396-397 (1989)


Stereospecificity in enzymology - its place in evolution
Benner, SA; Glasfeld, A; Piccirilli, JA
Topics Stereochem.19(3) 127-207 (1989)


Extracellular 'communicator RNA'
Benner, SA
FEBS Lett.233(2) 225-228 (1988)


Crystal-structures of 2 simple n-substituted dihydronicotinamides - possible implications for stereoelectronic arguments in enzymology
Glasfeld, A; Zbinden, P; Dobler, M; Benner, SA; Dunitz, JD
J. Am. Chem. Soc.110(15) 5152-5157 (1988)


Stereochemical profile of the dehydrogenases of <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>
Allemann, RK; Hung, R; Benner, SA
J. Am. Chem. Soc.110(16) 5555-5560 (1988)


The design of synthetic genes
Presnell, SR; Benner, SA
Nucl. Acids Res.16(5) 1693-1702 (1988)


Return of the 'last ribo-organism'
Benner, SA; Ellington, AD
Nature332(6166) 688-689 (1988)


Interpreting the behavior of enzymes. Purpose or pedigree?
Benner, S. A., Ellington, A. D
Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol. (1988) 23, 369-426


Redesigning life - organic-chemistry and the evolving protein
Benner, SA
Chimia41(5) 142-148 (1987)


Natural selection, protein engineering, and the last riboorganism: Rational model building in biochemistry
Benner, SA; Allemann, RK; Ellington, AD; Ge, L; Glasfeld, A; Leanz, GF; Krauch, T; Macpherson, LJ; Moroney, S; Piccirilli, JA; Weinhold, E
Cold Spring Harb. Symp. Quant. Biol.52(2) 53-63 (1987)


Expression of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A in <i>Escherichia-coli</i>
Nambiar, KP; Stackhouse, J; Presnell, SR; Benner, SA
Euro. J. Biochem.163(1) 67-71 (1987)


The stereospecificity of oxaloacetate decarboxylase - a stereochemical imperative
Piccirilli, JA; Rozzell, JD; Benner, SA
J. Am. Chem. Soc.109(26) 8084-8085 (1987)


Free energy differences between enzyme bound states
Ellington, AD; Benner, SA
J. Theoret. Biol.127(4) 491-506 (1987)


The last ribo-organism
Benner, SA; Ellington, AD
Nature329(6137) 295-296 (1987)


Evolution guidance - engineering alcohol-dehydrogenase and ribonuclease
Weinhold, EG; Ellington, A; Presnell, SR; Mcgeehan, GM; Benner, SA
Prot. Eng.1(3) 236-237 (1987)


Benner's model - a successful prediction
Benner, SA
Chem. Eng. News64(4) 3-3 (1986)


Body-temperature and the specific-heat of water
Dunitz, JD; Benner, SA
Nature324(6096) 418-418 (1986)


Dynamic transduction of energy and internal equilibria in enzymes: A reexamination of pyruvate kinase
Stackhouse, J; Nambiar, KP; Burbaum, JJ; Stauffer, DM; Benner, SA
J. Am. Chem. Soc.107(9) 2757-2763 (1985)


Total synthesis and cloning of a gene coding for the ribonuclease-s protein
Nambiar, KP; Stackhouse, J; Stauffer, DM; Kennedy, WP; Eldredge, JK; Benner, SA
Science223(4642) 1299-1301 (1984)


A mechanistic basis for the stereoselectivity of enzymatic transfer of hydrogen from nicotinamide cofactors
Nambiar, KP; Stauffer, DM; Kolodziej, PA; Benner, SA
J. Am. Chem. Soc.105(18) 5886-5890 (1983)


Analogs for acetoacetate as an enzyme substrate - stereochemical preferences
Benner, SA; Morton, TH
J. Am. Chem. Soc.103(4) 991-993 (1981)


Stereospecificity and stereochemical infidelity of acetoacetate decarboxylase (AAD)
Benner, SA; Rozzell, JD; Morton, TH
J. Am. Chem. Soc.103(4) 993-994 (1981)


Preparation of an ecdysone immunogen for radioimmunoassay work
Hung, DT; Benner, SA; Williams, CM
J. Biol. Chem.255(13), ASBMB 6047-6048 (1980)


The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
Steven Benner
Yale Scientific (1976) 50 (7), 4-10, 34-36


Asymmetry in organic chemistry. A left-handed molecule looks at the world.
Steven Benner
Yale Scientific (1976) 50 (February), 16-20


Sailing from Genoa.
Steven Benner
Yale Scientific (1976) 50 (7), 2-3


Enzyme mechanism
Steven Benner
Yale Scientific (1975) 49 (October), 4-8


The Sahel famine. A crisis of technology misuse.
Steven Benner
Yale Scientific (1975) 49, 2-20


Energy crisis
Steven Benner
Yale Scientific (1974) 48 (4), 10-15

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