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Nigel Richards's Publications


Nucleic acid joining enzymes: biological functions and synthetic applications beyond DNA.
Blackstock C, Walters-Freke C, Richards N, Williamson A
Biochem J, Portland Press (2025) 22 January: 482, 39-56. DOI: 10.1042/BCJ20240136


3D variability analysis reveals a hidden conformational change controlling ammonia transport in human asparagine synthetase
Coricello A, Nardone AJ, Lupia A, Gratteri C, Vos M, Chaptal V, Alcaro S, Zhu W, Takagi Y, Richards NGJ
Nat. Commun., Nature (2024) 3 December: 15(10538). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-54912-9


The chemistry of formycin biosynthesis
Richards NGJ, Naismith JN
Front. Chem. Biol., Frontiers Media SA (2024) 11 July: 3, 1428646. DOI: 10.3389/fchbi.2024.1428646


Arginine kinase activates arginine for phosphorylation by pyramidalization and polarization
Falcioni F, Molt RW Jr., Jin Y, Waltho JP, Hay S, Richards, NGJ, Blackburn GM
ACS Catal, ACS (2024) 16 April: 14(9), 6650-6658. DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.4c00380


Reactivity and mechanism in chemical and synthetic biology
Richards, NGJ, Bearne SL, Goto Y, Parker EJ
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci., The Royal Society Publishing (2023) 27 February: 378(1871), 20220023. DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2022.0023


Experimental and computational snapshots of C-C bond formation in a C-nucleoside synthase
Li W, Girt GC, Radadiya A, Stewart JJP, Richards NGJ, Naismith JN
Open Biology, The Royal Society Publishing (2023) 11 January: 13(1), 220287. DOI: 10.1098/rsob.220287


Development of triazole-conjugated dihydropyrimidinone (DHPM) derivatives as potential P-glycoprotein inhibitors
Bijani S, Shaikh F, Mirza D, Siu SWI, Jain N, Ferreira RJ, dos Santos DJVA, Rawal R, Richards NGJ, Shah A, Radadiya A
ACS Omega, ACS (2022) 17 May: 7(19), 16278-16287. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.1c05839


Functional characterization of two PLP-dependent enzymes involved in capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis from Campylobacter jejuni
Riegert AS, Narindoshvili T, Coricello A, Richards NGJ, Raushel FM
Biochemistry, ACS (2021) 21 September: 60(19), 2836-2843. DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.1c00439


Building better polymerases: Engineering the replication of expanded genetic alphabets
Ouaray, Z., Benner, S. A., Georgiadis, M. M., Richards, N. G. J.
J. Biol. Chem., ASBMB (2020) 11 December: 295(50):17046-17059, DOI:10.1074/jbc.REV120.013745


Improving the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Radadiya A, Zhu W, Coricello A, Alcaro S, Richards NGJ
Biochemistry, ACS (2020) 8 September: 59(35), 3193-3200. DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.0c00354


Uncovering the chemistry of C-C bond formation in C-nucleoside biosynthesis: Crystal structure of a C-glycoside synthase/PRPP complex
Gao S, Radadiya A, Li W, Liu H, Zhu W, de Crecy-Lagard V, Richards NGJ, Naismith JN
Chem. Comm., Royal Society of Chemistry (2020) 14 July: 56(55), 7617-7620. DOI: 10.1039/d0cc02834g


Tautomeric equilibria of nucleobases in the hachimoji expanded genetic alphabet
Eberlein, L., Beierlein, F.R., van Eikema Hommes, N.J.R., Radadiya, A., Heil, J., Benner, S.A., Clark, T., Kast, S.M., and Richards, N.G.J.
J. Chem. Theory Comput., ACS (2020) 14 Apr: 16(4):2766-2777, DOI:10.1021/acs.jctc.9b01079


Whole-genome sequence of Streptomyces kaniharaensis Shomura and Niida SF-557
Zhu W, Liu X, Hughes M, de Crecy-Lagard V, Richards NGJ
Microbiol. Resource Announ., ASM (2020) Apr: 9(14), e01434. DOI: 10.1128/MRA.01434-19


Building better enzymes: Molecular basis of improved non-natural nucleobase incorporation by an evolved DNA polymerase
Ouaray Z, Singh I, Georgiadis MM, Richards NGJ
Protein Sci., The Protein Society (2020) Feb: 29(2), 455-468. DOI: 10.1002/pro.3762

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